About My Logo

Cedar Wellness Logo

Cedar has been the main sustenance to the Coast Salish people since time immemorial. It was traditionally used for longhouses, dug-out canoes, paddles, clothing, tools, cleansing and much more! This logo is inspired by the view I seen for the 15 years I canoed with the Coast Salish war canoes. If you stand at the Cowichan Bay canoe shed this image is what you will see – Mt. Prevost, Mt Zouhalem, the mouth of the Cowichan River and if you close your eyes hard enough you can feel the vibrations of our ancestors past.

I see counselling depicted in all this – to honour growth within, wisdom from today and the past, and new possibilities for the future!

Contact Lyla Today To Schedule An Appointment

122 Station St. Duncan, BC   |   Fax: (250) 746-4065   |    Phone: (250) 748-1592   |    Email: lyla.harman@cedarwellness.ca

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